The 2016 presidential primaries have been the most memorable in years; their problems have come under intense scrutiny as two anti-establishment candidates wage a political war on their respective parties. The throngs of Bernie and Trump supporters have seen their candidates struggle against antiquated and autocratic party machinations to differing degrees of success. The schemes of the Democratic elite to acquire the nomination for Hillary regardless of people’s voices reached a new low at the Nevada Democratic Convention. Following high-profile incidents such as the Arizona primaries and the purging of thousands of Brooklyn voters, the Democratic establishment continues to trample the voices of its members with impunity; like a donkey oblivious to the hundreds of flies flitting across its body.

The exact narrative of the Convention is confusing and difficult to follow thanks to the fact that most media is either blacking out the injustices or spinning the story to place the blame on people outraged at the obvious suppression of their voices. What can be gleaned from the litany of social media posts(unreliable sources) and videos(perhaps more reliable sources) is that the Nevada Democratic Party took several actions to ensure that Hillary walked away with as many delegates as possible. Such measures included, but are not limited to, the ejection of 64 delegates for not having “the proper credentials” and ignoring motions for a recount(which is illegal; a motion cannot be ignored). This disaster of a convention culminated in the Nevada Democratic Party Chair leaping up on stage, passing several motions while disregarding the objections and fleeing from the scene of the crime. Police then arrive and everyone is told to leave or risk arrest.

Another tool that has disproportionally aided Hillary Clinton in this primary campaign has been the use of closed primaries or caucuses. Despite disagreeing with it, I can see the constitutional argument for closed primaries. However, the events of the Convention are an absolute disgrace. Rather than continue to use ‘legal’ methods to suppress voters, the Democratic Party has resorted to openly trampling on the idea of a democratic process. On Saturday, hundreds of voices were silenced to ensure that the party candidate won; so long as We the People allow such political atrocities to be openly committed without retribution, the system will continue suppressing people and destroying any last vestiges of democracy.

The notion of a democratic process in the United States is a fantasy, but to witness such blatant tampering of the process is in equal parts chilling and demotivating. The events of the Nevada Democratic Convention show that in our modern ‘republic’, the people are simply bystanders to the political process run by wealthy backers. Disregarding the Bernie vs Hillary narrative involved here, this was an injustice committed against citizens who were simply trying to participate in the political process. Regardless of your party or candidate affiliation, you ignore what happened at the Convention at your own risk.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me




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